Facing the High Holy Days and the Loss of a Loved One in the Time of COVID.
For those who have lost a loved one during this pandemic, the usual rituals have not been available to lend comfort. Join us in an opportunity to come together virtually to consider the meaning of loss and its impact upon us as we prepare to celebrate the Jewish High Holy Days on
Wednesday, September 2, from 7:30 to 8:30PM.
In addition to exploring these themes, we will offer an opportunity for you to specifically recognize the memory of your loved one.
Contact Sara Wellington at swellington@jfssp.org to request the Zoom link for this event.
JFS is offering this event in partnership with Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis, Sholom, Minnesota Rabbinical Association, Jewish Chaplains of the Twin Cities, Hodroff-Epstein Memorial Chapels and the Minnesota Cantors Association.