Palliative Care

Sholom recognizes that every person facing a life limiting diagnosis deserves to live with respect and dignity.

Palliative Care vs Hospice Care at Sholom

Seniors can have many needs requiring specialized forms of care. Some kinds of care reflect the prevalence of certain conditions in the senior age group, while other (similar) types of care reflect the unique, holistic needs of the older community.

Both palliative and hospice care are important to the quality of life for seniors. Though there are similarities to both kinds of care, there are different philosophies behind them. Allow us to go over the differences between palliative and hospice care.

Palliative Care: Definition

Palliative care is applied to a wide variety of patients, with a broad variety of conditions and circumstances. Recipients of palliative care can be seniors or younger. Palliative care can be given by itself, or with care designed to cure a condition.

So, while palliative care can also be part of end-of-life care, in a broader sense it is about caring for the whole person; spiritually, emotionally, and medically. Palliative care is about relieving pain, so it is given for terminal conditions, but it is also given to chronic, non-terminal conditions, and other situations.

Hospice Care: Definition

Hospice care is designed for end-of-life situations for a terminal disease or condition. At times, depending on the institution, hospice care might be reserved for those expected to live no longer than a few weeks to a few months. People in hospice care are not expected to recover. Despite that, hospice care is not intended to make recipients docile and unresponsive. Hospice care, like palliative care, is designed to address the needs of the whole person, and to improve all aspects of their quality of life.

When a loved one enters hospice, it is expected that they are in the final stage of their life. Many times, this is the case; however, roughly 20% of palliative care patients graduate from this chapter. This happens for a number of reasons, including a holistic approach to care and expert pain/symptom management. When a patient no longer meets Medicare eligibility criteria, they graduate from hospice care. If care is needed in the future, it is still available. Medicare does not limit the number of times a patient enters and exits hospice.

Ackerberg Sholom West

Sholom has been dedicated to honoring our fathers and mothers for over 100 years, the Ackerberg Family Sholom West Campus continues that proud tradition!

3620 Phillips Parkway
St. Louis Park, MN 55426
Phone: (952) 935-6311

Menorah Plaza

Menorah Plaza offers 143 HUD supported one- and two-bedroom units in addition to 12 specialized memory care units.

4925 Minnetonka Blvd
St. Louis Park, MN 55416
Phone: (952) 653-3680

Shaller Sholom East

Conveniently located near Saint Paul’s Highland Park neighborhood, the Rossy and Richard Shaller Family Campus – Sholom East offers a full-range of senior housing options and services – just blocks from the picturesque Mississippi River.

740 Kay Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Phone: (651) 328-2000

Palliative Care vs Hospice Care

Both palliative and hospice care are designed to reduce or eliminate the pain a person is experiencing. That by itself can be an enormous improvement in the quality of life. Of course, those receiving such care are not assumed to be bedridden or helpless. The caregivers have been trained to treat the individual with what is best. If keeping or improving the person’s mobility or activity level is appropriate to helping them live a better life, then that is what is done. Relatedly, the family’s wishes are a factor, as are the family’s reaction to the care the person is given. So, not only does the care improve the treated person’s life, it also improves the quality of life the family and family caregivers.

Support is offered in many ways, by a range of professionals, including psychologists, physicians, nurses, physical therapists, and chaplains. Also, neither palliative nor hospice care need be done at a facility, as they can be given at home. If the treated condition is severe, it is easier to have the person treated living at a facility where services and personnel are centered. However, if living at home is what improves the person’s quality of life, then that is what is done.

One difference between palliative and hospice care is palliative care should start as soon as possible in the course of someone’s condition, while hospice care is reserved for end-of-life situations. Similarities between the two kinds of care include pain and symptom management, coordinating different kinds of caregivers, regular visits from physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals, and therapeutic services designed to increase comfort levels. Furthermore, emotional support and spiritual guidance is available, to both the person treated and their family members.

Palliative Care Nursing with Sholom

Palliative care (or palliative care nursing) and hospice care are both meant to treat the entire person holistically, and not just the disease or the condition, isolated from the person with it. Focusing on the disease is insufficient, it is only part of care for the whole person.

If you know someone in need of palliative or hospice care, please contact Sholom today. Our caregivers are experienced, knowledgeable, and eager to help those in their care live a healthy and comfortable life.

 From a Sholom Social Worker: I just spoke with Richard F (his wife was here on hospice); he expressed that during their stay here at Sholom how excellent the care was and how good of an experience they had during his wife’s final days. He stated that he is sharing how wonderful we were and recommending us to others.

From a Sholom Social Worker

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Shaller Family Sholom East Campus

740 Kay Ave, St Paul, MN 55102

(651) 328-2000

Ackerberg Family Sholom West Campus

3620 Phillips Pkwy, St Louis Park, MN 55426

(952) 935-6311