Remote Patient Monitoring for Seniors Near Crystal, MN

The 2022 National Diabetes Statistics Report, states 37.3 million Americans have diabetes. That’s 11.3 percent of all the people in the US, and as you age, your risk rises.

Do you or a loved one face the daily task of managing diabetes? During the pandemic, the medical community found innovative approaches to meeting care needs. One significant advancement is the use of remote patient monitoring devices.

Below, we go over how people with diabetes in the Crystal area are integrating remote technology with their care for diabetes.

Treating Diabetes

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) released its 2022 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes. This included several updated protocols for diabetic management. The following gives a summary of some of the changes.

Diabetic Screening

Starting at age 35, all “not-at-risk” adults should be tested for Type 2 and prediabetes. All non-diabetic women who plan to get pregnant should have a fasting glucose test. All pregnant women should keep testing for gestational diabetes at 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Cognitive Ability Assessment

The new standard recommends formal cognitive assessment in hypoglycemic children and older adults. Abnormal results signal an elevated risk for hypoglycemia. The risk for dementia is even higher with severe hypoglycemia.

Hypoglycemia Tracking

Hypoglycemia is an “urgent medical problem” for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics with severe insulin deficiency. The ADA stresses the importance of increasing the patient’s hypoglycemia awareness. This allows for early treatment to keep glucose levels within prescribed ranges.

Remote Patient Monitoring Devices

Blood glucose testing is a key part of diabetic management. Today, patients in the Crystal area can use a blood glucose meter or continuous glucose monitoring. Providers must also routinely assess patients for health changes.

Experts predict that the prevalence of U.S. adult diabetes will pass 60 million by 2060. This means there’s an ongoing need for technology and training.

Today, remote patient monitoring (RPM) connects patients and providers via electronic devices. Medicaid, Medicare, and many private insurers now pay for RPM.

These devices must have FDA approval. They also need to be able to automatically send data to providers without patient input.

RPMs include glucometers and continuous glucose monitors. Patients get faster care to limit or prevent diabetic health issues. When providers need further assessment, they can schedule a virtual telehealth visit.

The Vital Tech platform, for example, provides RPM and digital care. This lets individuals to remain at home while managing their chronic diseases. These seniors also have lower healthcare bills.

Telehealth Options

Healthcare providers may now offer a variety of telehealth options for their patients near Crystal. This ensures that each person’s unique needs are met.

Video appointments offer a digital interface for patient “visits” with their provider. The healthcare professional can make physical observations and ask questions. This allows them to perform patient assessments on patients who are at home.

Asynchronous telehealth involves messaging and form completion through a secure portal. Patients can ask questions about their healthcare. Providers can also clarify information with the patient.

Communication lines are more efficient and save time and resources. Clinical practices and patients benefit from this new approach to care.

Do You Need Help to Manage Chronic Conditions Near Crystal?

Are you living with a chronic condition? Telehealth and remote patient monitoring devices can simplify life.

At Sholom, we use the VitalTech solution. This allows our patients to stay at the highest level of functional independence.

We offer independent assisted living, senior housing, adult daycare, and retirement communities. Sholom also provides Alzheimer’s assisted living and memory, hospice, and long-term care all near the greater Crystal area.

Get in touch today to learn how we meet your senior care needs.