How to Make a Successful Transition to Assisted Living

Transitioning your loved one to an assisted living community can be challenging. You are taking them out of their comfort zone and placing them in a completely new environment.

Although it may be challenging to do, there are some ways that you can make the transition go as smoothly as possible. All you need to do is follow the tips that we’re about to provide and help your loved one adjust to their new surroundings.

Visit as Much as Possible

As stated, the transition to an assisted living facility can be challenging and scary, but one way to make it easier is to keep in touch with your loved ones. This means visiting when your schedule allows and calling them as often as possible.

Even though your loved one is in a new situation, they will still be familiar with seeing and hearing from you to help make the transition easier. Check with the assisted living facility to find out their visiting requirements during COVID-19.

Let Them Be

This may seem contradictory, but just like we said to call and visit, you’ve also got to find the balance between being present and giving your loved one time to get used to their surroundings. If you’re always there, they won’t have the space to learn about their new surroundings.

The more time they have by themselves with staff and other residents, the easier it will be to become familiar with the assisted living facility.

Choose the Right Assisted Living Facility

The independent or assisted living facility that you choose to place your loved one in will help to make the transition smoother. When selecting an assisted living facility, you’ll want to ensure that the staff is experienced and they provide the highest quality services and care to your loved one.

You can get a feel for how the staff interacts with residents and gauge whether it will be the right fit for your loved one. You should also ask what activities are provided to residents.

Part of ensuring the continued health of residents is providing them with daily activities that will keep residents engaged and active. You need to also ask about meals and other foods that are offered to residents.

The last thing you want is to transition them into a facility, and then find out that the facility does not provide your loved one with a variety of meal choices to fill their nutritional needs. As health declines due to age, you don’t want them to deal with malnourishment as well.

Assisted Living Transitions Made Easy

When it comes to helping your loved one make a smoother transition into assisted living, following the tips we provided will hopefully make it less challenging. It’s all about helping them adjust to their new living situation.

If you’ve been looking for the right assisted living facility for your loved one, contact us at Sholom. Our staff is experienced in helping residents become more comfortable with the transition and provides the best care.