How to Avoid Caregiver Burnout with Respite Care in St. Paul

Are you providing care for a parent or family member in the St. Paul area? If so, you’re not alone. A 2020 study reported that 9.5 million, or one in five Americans are primary caregivers.

This study also found that caregivers’ health has declined compared to five years ago. Caregiver burnout puts a strain on the individual’s mental and physical health. This impacts the quality of care they can provide.

Below, we discuss how respite care can help alleviate caregiver burnout.

What is Caregiver Burnout

The term, “caregiver burnout” refers to emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion. Burnout can lead to negative feelings about providing care. It may progress to a lack of concern or neglect.

Causes of Caregiver Burnout

Many factors contribute to caregiver burnout. Some people feel an intense level of responsibility.

It’s common to feel guilty about taking a break from your duties. You may find that you have little to no privacy or time alone.

Trying to balance life’s demands in St. Paul can feel overwhelming. Many people face conflicting demands to meet work and other family members’ needs. Lacking confidence in your care skills and control over resources and money increases stress.

Role confusion also plays a part in caregiver burnout. It’s often difficult to assume this role for a parent, spouse, or sibling. Depending on their condition, they may resist letting you perform the needed care.

Other family members may question your care and have unrealistic demands and expectations. This compounds your mental, emotional, and physical stress. Now you must do your best to care for your family member and defend what you’re doing to others.

How to Help Caregiver Burnout

The best approach is to act before your reach a breaking point. Becoming part of a support group early reduces feelings of isolation. Meeting with others in a similar situation may also give you new ideas for completing tasks.

Discuss your feelings, worries, and frustrations regularly with a trusted individual. Verbalizing concerns helps relieve stress.

Speak with healthcare providers about realistic goals. Accept available help to meet your family member’s needs.

Be honest about your limitations. Take care of yourself so that you’re able to provide the best care possible.

In some cases, such as with Alzheimer’s Disease, a Memory Care setting can help. You may need to let go of promises to never “put them in a home.” Finding a quality facility improves your loved one’s comfort and reduces your strain.

Signs Of Caregiver Burnout

If you’re the primary caregiver, take time to reflect on how you’re feeling. The Alzheimer’s Association describes the following signs of caregiver burnout.

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Difficulty focusing, organizing, and/or forgetting tasks or appointments
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • False hope about your loved one’s prognosis
  • Feeling moody and irritable
  • Frustration or anger directed at your loved one
  • Overwhelming exhaustion
  • Personal health problems
  • Social isolation

If you recognize these feelings, it’s time to get some help. Discuss the issue with family members or others who can offer relief. Talk with the health provider about available services such as respite care.

Respite Care

The goal of respite care is to ensure ongoing care for your loved one while giving you a break. This may involve someone coming to your St. Paul area home so you can leave for a time. 

Other respite care services include a short stay for your family member away from home. This may be needed to recover from an acute illness or surgery. It’s also available to allow the caregiver to take a vacation and care for themselves.

Do You Feel Burned Out? Contact Our St. Paul Location

Taking advantage of respite care services can relieve caregiver burnout. Sholom supports adult care. We offer high-quality elder care for those in the greater St. Paul area.

Our facility has senior apartments, assisted living, short-term rehab, and skilled nursing care. We also offer adult day care, memory care, meals on wheels, and hospice services. Consider our Respite Retreat program to allow you to care for yourself.

Get in touch today to discuss your senior care needs.