Here is the latest news and items of importance from Sholom for April 20, 2020:
In recent days, we have begun COVID-19 testing on residents at Roitenberg Family Assisted Living Memory Care. We received notification of positive COVID-19 tests and began masking all residents, as they can tolerate, and issuing face shields to all Roitenberg staff members. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is leading the contact tracing investigation to determine if any residents or Sholom team members might need further testing and or isolation. The Environmental Services staff will be deep cleaning the entire community. If needed, we will be providing additional staff to redirect tenants to remain in their apartments as much as possible. Our ongoing priority has been and continues to be to keep everyone in all our sites safe and healthy.
We continue to follow the guidance of medical professionals and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and Sholom leadership continues to meet daily to assess the situation and provide the best possible care and protection using evidence-based practices. Regular updates and information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) help guide Sholom’s direction and practices.
As a reminder, Sholom has instituted appropriate policies and procedures ahead of need as well as put in place management measures regarding any positive cases. For any potential case, any residents displaying symptoms are kept isolated and placed on droplet precautions and cares are provided by staff with appropriate personal protective equipment that are specially trained, while we await test results.
At Sholom, we have designated a specific, specially trained team who will only be working in a localized area at each Sholom campus to provide the best possible care for residents who contract COVID-19 that do not need hospitalization. Our team has prepared this area in advance in order to isolate and contain those diagnosed. This area has been stocked with supplies, proper protective equipment and other items so proper care can be provided.
We continue best practices in prevention through: mandatory screenings of staff and other essential individuals; the strict adherence to the no visitation policy and contained movement (staff and resident remain in their buildings and appropriate areas); use of appropriate personal protective equipment by direct care staff as a proactive safety protocol; ongoing reminders to tenants and residents to maintain appropriate social distancing; supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) fulfilling current need as we continue to obtain added supplies; and daily monitoring and planning by executive and clinical staff for all residents/buildings with the support of updates by national, state and local medical professionals and organizations.
I understand that spending time away from your loved ones can be distressing. I know the residents and tenants would love to see their families, to get a hug or to touch their grandchildren, but many understand the serious nature of COVID-19. For those residents that don’t understand the situation, our staff does their best to fill the gap left by the restriction of visitors.
We also realize that family members, as more time passes, become increasingly concerned about their loved ones at Sholom. We are keenly aware that 24/7 COVID-19 coverage heightens fear, and that fear can be difficult to manage. To assist, we have several community resources that you may find helpful. In St. Paul, contact JFS, Sara Wellington at (651) 239-4756 or email her at In St. Louis Park, call JFCS at 952-542-4843 for assistance. You may need to leave a message, but someone will contact you to chat about how they can help.
Our residents, tenants and staff at Sholom continue to amaze me with creative ways to keep active, have fun and make the best of this unique time. While many of you are unable to witness this first hand, I want to let you know that this community is resilient and resourceful! We are in this together and here for each other.
The staff at Sholom are truly dedicated, working compassionately and passionately to provide the best care and services to your loved one and we truly appreciate all of your words of kindness and acknowledgement. If you have general questions about the coronavirus related to your loved one, please contact your Nurse Manager or Campus Administrator. We are dedicated to being as responsive and transparent as we are allowed to be.
As a reminder, the Sholom Foundation started a fundraising campaign so the community can donate to help Sholom residents. Please visit to see how you can help. We want to thank the community for their generosity so far and for the kindness and love they are showing our seniors.
Finally, be mindful that Governor Walz’s stay-at-home order is in effect until at least May 4 and it may be many more weeks until things look and feel a bit more normal. Please adhere to the guidelines of staying home except for essential reasons. Remember, even if weather allows, please do not plan to visit your loved one outside as this does not comply with the governor’s stay at home order. Our staff is dedicated to keeping our residents and fellow staff members safe and healthy, Remember, our lives are in each other’s hands.
Our hotline 651-328-2500 and our website continue to be the best source for the most up-to-date information.
Barbara Klick, RN, MBA
Chief Executive Officer