Common Myths About Assisted Living

About one million people live in an assisted living residence. You probably know someone who has placed their parents or grandparents into these facilities.

Do you know when it’s time to make the move for your loved ones? Are you worried about horror stories of terrible care?

Put your nerves and fears at ease by learning about common myths that aren’t true. Have peace of mind with the care of your aging relatives.

Too Expensive

You’ve probably heard about people going bankrupt trying to afford an assisted living facility. Luckily, these stories are usually without pertinent information.

Most assisted living homes cost just over $4,000 per month. That price tag seems large, but the service provided is worth it.

Your loved ones will receive help with day-to-day activities, meals, leisure, and superior supervision. With insurance and flexible payment options, assisted living facilities are more affordable than ever.

Terrible Food and Activities

In recent years, decision-makers are more innovative and creative in their methodology.

The food at an assisted living residence shouldn’t be seen as a hindrance, but a benefit. Instead of cafeteria-style dining, your loved one can expect a large selection of options. Some places even cater to religious preferences.

Activities aren’t always the traditional bingo night or card games. Seniors want to enjoy the newest fads and leisure activities.

More often, we are seeing video games, beauty salons, and fitness routines added to the list of activities available. Entertainment isn’t reserved for the young anymore.

Assisted Living is Not a Nursing Home

Nursing homes and assisted living facilities are not the same things. Nursing home residents need a high-level of care. Their staff is usually trained nurses helping the elderly with the most basic of tasks.

Assisted living facilities allow residents more freedom, privacy, and privileges. It’s rare for nursing home residents to leave their facility but assisted living seniors can make grocery or personal trips.

Most assisted living elderly are able to feed themselves and socialize without any assistance.

Abuse is Common

From time to time, you’ll see news stories of nurses or caregivers hurting defenseless elderly. These occurrences are extremely rare and isolated incidents.

Assisted living staff are dedicated personnel who know they have a giant responsibility of caring for your family and friends. Essentially, caregivers and staffers are extended family.

Most facilities even have security to watch over the staff, property, and especially the residents. If you have concerns, ask the administrator what safeguards are in place for abuse or reporting abuse.

Don’t Believe the Myths

Assisted living facilities are a great benefit to you and your loved ones. Don’t buy into the fear of rare or untrue myths about the industry.

Be sure to do your own research and ask the right questions. You’ll find a place that puts your nerves at ease.

If you’re ready to take the next step towards putting a family member or loved one in a facility, please contact us today. We’ll be happy to address any concerns.