CEO Updates January 2022

Updated January 31, 2022

With the advent of the COVID-19 Delta and Omicron variants, we are seeing an uptick in the positivity rates in our counties. Fortunately, with the majority of Sholom residents and staff already vaccinated, when residents and staff do test positive for COVID-19, the majority are experiencing only mild symptoms or no symptoms at all. 

In St. Louis Park, at Sholom Home West, we have one resident and two employees with positive cases of COVID-19. Knollwood Place Apartments has one staff with positive COVID-19.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) indicated that the Delta variant continues to spread in the United States and now we have now seen an uptick in Omicron cases in the US including MN.   Even for the vaccinated, there is a cause for concern.  There are documented cases of individuals who have received the vaccine who develop symptoms and test positive for COVID-19.   

What does that mean for Sholom?

The fight against COVID-19 isn’t over yet, and we need to be watchful and mindful that COVID and COVID variants still pose a threat to our communities.

 Please note the following regarding visitation which is open for all Sholom locations:

  • If you are sick with symptoms of COVID-19, have a positive viral test for COVID-19 or currently meet the criteria for quarantine, you should not enter Sholom. 
  • Visitor testing and vaccinations are not required, however, we encourage visitors to be tested on their own before coming to a Sholom location.
  • Screening is required for entrance.  If visiting during a time guest services personnel are unavailable, visitors will be asked to use the automated screening devise or wait until Sholom staff are available to allow entry into the building and complete the screening.
  • If visiting during an outbreak investigation, you will be expected to sign in to provide the needed contact information, adhere to infection prevention principles and conduct your visit in the resident’s room.  For outbreak status visit: or call the Sholom hotline at 651-328-2500.
  • If you are visiting a resident who is on quarantine or transmission based precautions, you will be made aware of the potential exposure risk to yourself and asked to adhere to the core principles of infection prevention.  You will need to wear a well-fitting facemask or other appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), if available.  Sholom does not supply PPE for visitors. 
  • It is recommended you wear a face covering at all times, regardless of vaccination status, maintain six feet of physical distance with others and wash hands frequently.  If you are unvaccinated and providing cares for a resident, you must wear eye protection.

Senior care organizations like Sholom need to continue to follow these guidelines. Sholom staff will still wear personal protective equipment (PPE).

For the most up to date information, please refer to and click on the COVID link at the top of the page.

Our main priority is to keep everyone safe and healthy.  Thank you for your commitment to our community. Together, we’re making Sholom a safe place to live, work and visit.

Barbara Klick, RN, MBA, Sholom CEO