Budget-Savvy Advice for Long-Distance Caregivers

If your loved one lives far away from you, it can be challenging to find ways to provide care for them when they need it. Fortunately, there are services and technologies available that can help you feel connected and meet their needs, even at a distance. Whether it’s helping to send medication or organizing for home medical visits, there are budget-friendly options for everyone.

Caring From a Distance

Many grown children end up living at least an hour or more away from their parents, and as they age, it can be increasingly difficult to feel that you’re providing the appropriate level of care. While you might be physically present to provide regular care, there are ways to ensure that your loved ones are well looked after.

One of the best options is to partner with a service provider like Sholom, who offers assistance across the continuum of senior needs. From in-home help to adult daycare to memory care, there is a solution for every older adult. On top of ongoing assistance, there are therapy programs and other support services for an all-encompassing assistance plan.

Plan a Visit

It’s very helpful to plan an in-person visit with your senior loved one to get the ball rolling. While there, be sure to arrange open communication with their healthcare providers so you can get information when you need it and have legal authority to make financial and healthcare decisions when necessary.

MoneyWise recommends documentation like a durable power of attorney, medical directive and revocable living trust. For budgetary concerns, remember that most attorneys offer a free consultation, which can help get the particulars established. Decide what you want to discuss in advance and gather the information required so you can streamline the process.

Take care of other incidentals as well. Make sure you address any emergency logistics, such as stashing a key outside their home for caregivers to enter, or contacting a neighbor who can check in with your loved one if needed.

Using Technology and Services to Care Remotely

There are many budget-friendly services and technology to stay connected and care for your parents remotely. While at first glance tech solutions might sound expensive, they are typically free to use after the initial investment. For families who have loved ones with Alzheimers or dementia, for instance, it may be a good idea to buy a location device or activate the GPS feature on your parent’s phone. This is a good way to keep track of them in case they are lost or confused outside their home.

Another monitoring option is to install cameras in your senior’s home. While this might feel an invasion of privacy for your parents, you could limit the camera views to the entry points of the home, and any common areas such as the living room.

Another budget-friendly way to help care from a distance is to organize regular video chats with your senior. Set a schedule for check-ins and use that time to ask about their physical and mental health.

Virtual assistants can also be helpful for caring remotely for your parents. Investing in technology such as Google home or Alexa can help your aging parents manage the functions of their home—turning on and off lights, for example—and can even help remind them to take their medication.

If your parent is in need of regular medical care, consider enlisting a service that offers in-home care. Some services can be expensive, so SheKnows recommends exploring various financial options for covering the cost of care.

Sending Products and Medications

As your senior ages, it may become more difficult to make trips to the pharmacy and store for supplies and medications. It’s a good idea to buy products for seniors online and have them shipped directly to their homes. Medication costs, in particular, can add up quickly, so be sure to find sales, promo codes, and cashback offers where you can, such as using Walgreens coupons, to save money.

It can be hard to see your loved one age from a distance, but if you take advantage of the many resources available, you’ll rest more easily knowing they’re okay. Consider your budget as you find ways to care remotely, and remember that the ongoing costs of technology are low after the initial investment. And be sure to shop around to find the best care possible that not only fits your budget, but fits your loved one’s needs. Contact us today if you need assistance.