I saw first hand how happy my father-in-law was as a resident of Knollwood Place Apartments and benefitted from the services Sholom Home provided him when it became necessary.
Giving back to the Jewish community is important to me so it only seemed fitting to be part of the Sholom community and serve as Auxiliary president. I’m excited to continue the great work Susie Held started in her first year as president.
It’s been a been a busy couple of months for the Auxiliary! Food For Your Soul planning is in full swing and we will be holding a kick-off meeting on Dec 19. This is an all-hands-on-deck event, and we’d love to have you assist! From big to small, we have all kinds of things that need to get done to have another successful fund-raiser. Stuffing envelopes, assembling gift bags, recruiting special guests, hosting….this list goes on. Please join us to learn more. Every little bit helps!
The annual fall luncheon honoring the Knish Ladies as Women of Valor was great fun! I’d like to thank all those that helped arrange this special event, in particular, Sharon Kieffer and her team. What a great afternoon of kibitzing and entertainment!
Designer bag bingo was a blast! I’d like to thank our event coordinators, Vicki Londer and Joanie Rischall on their successfully planned evening! We’d like to plan another event soon, please let us know your ideas and if you’d like to assist.
One final reminder…we sent out the annual dues invoices. Please send in your payment so we can help the seniors of Sholom feel at “home”.
Wishing everyone a very Happy Hanukkah and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Sheryl Rutzick
Sholom Auxiliary President